Sunday, May 12, 2024

Week of May 13th

 Happy Mother's Day

Beautiful woven flowers made in Art!

Please remember to wash and return the beach towel for outside snack days!

Wednesday is ice cream day.

I have truly loved being able to watch your child grow and develop this year.  Every child has worked their little hearts out this year.  We are having our last full week of regular lessons.  Your child begin to bring home reading textbooks that are not being used next year to keep up those reading skills over the summer.  

Key Concepts for the Week:

Religion--We are going to finish our chapter learning about Mary and the saints on Monday.  On Wednesday we will go to Mass. Later in the week, we will begin Chapter 10 learning about the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Language Arts/Grammar--This is our final unit in our Reading Street Series.  The phonics skills this week are using suffixes and digraph /oo/.  The main story is a crowd pleaser "Henry and Mudge."  The grammar lessons focus on the use of adjectives to compare.  Wednesday will be decodable story homework.

Handwriting--Last week of spelling words for the year.  The list will come home on Monday, practice test Wednesday, and final test on Friday.  Tuesday we will use our handwriting book to write words related to the Holy Trinity and Thursday we will write the Guardian Angel Prayer.  Reminder--students who get all the words correct on the practice spelling test do not have to retake it on Friday.

Math--This week the lessons are counting pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters.  By the middle of the week the children will be combining dimes and pennies or dimes and nickels. The end of chapter test is Friday.

Science--We are going to begin our unit on plants.   Monday we will enjoy a Scholastic Newspaper.  Tuesday and Wednesday the children will be making their own plant dictionary.  Thursday the students will create a plant life cycle hat and Friday will be planting day.

SPELLING WORDS:  nicely, gladly, sadly, quickly, slowly, useful, careful, painful, playful, wonderful

WORDS TO PRACTICE READING:  opened, shoes, told, dance, because, across, only

I loved the kids dress like a teacher outfits!   Thank you for making Teacher Appreciation over the top this year!  I loved all the sweet cards, pictures, flowers,  and special gifts.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Week of May 6th

Happy Cinco de Mayo!

We had  a great fiesta on Friday complete with a pinata, food, music, and crafts.

Thank you to Ms. Canterbury for her help serving and to Rodrigo's mom for bringing authentic treats for the classes to enjoy!

Monday is free dress day with the theme being Glo-Dress.

Friday is dress like your teacher!

Super Kids Day pizza lunch forms and money are due back by Friday.

Wednesday is 1st grade ice cream day!

We have received an overstock of reading materials that I will begin sending home with your child.  These would be great to use with your child over the summer to keep their skills sharp for second grade.   

 Thank you for the cereal box donations for Catholic Charities and the Day Center.  We sure enjoyed watching them fall.

Monday the children finished completing their landform island.  The students worked with a partner from the other first grade class.

Key Concepts for the Week:

Religion--We are going to learn about Mary.  On Wednesday we will go to Mass with our buddies.

Language Arts/Phonics--This week the main story selection is a famous book by Ezra Keets, "Peter's Chair."  The phonics skills will be compound words and digraphs /ew, ui/.  The spelling words will need extra practice time.  Decodable story homework will be on Wednesday.   Our grammar skill will be using adjectives to show how many.

Handwriting--The spelling words are coming home on Monday.  Practice test on Wednesday and final test on Friday.  Tuesday and Thursday we will be working from the Handwriting book.

Math--Monday we will begin our new chapter about telling time.  Students will learn to tell time to the hour and half hour.

Social Studies--We are going to be making a special project for Mother's Day.

SPELLING WORDS:  backpack, outside, baseball, herself, flashlight, bluebird, lunchbox, suitcase, inside, brainstorm

WORDS TO PRACTICE READING:  picture, remember, room, stood, thought, would